Post Job Packages

Begin by setting up your account on our platform

Select the package that best meets your requirements.

Complete the “Post Your Job” form, which will preview how your job listing will appear.

You will receive an email with your receipt and payment instructions. Reply with a screenshot of the successful payment process.

Your job post is now on the job listing. Get ready to meet potential candidates and find the perfect fit for your position.

50 per job listing

Total (excl. VAT) 50.00

-Job listing active on the ENI jobsboard website for up to 30 days.

-Focused email alerts sent to potential candidates.

-Gain visibility across various social media platforms and communities.

40 per job listing

Total (excl. VAT) 200.00

-Job listing active on the ENI jobsboard website for up to 30 days.

-Focused email alerts sent to potential candidates.

-Gain visibility across various social media platforms and communities.

35 per job listing

Total (excl. VAT) 350.00

-Job listing active on the ENI jobsboard website for up to 30 days.

-Focused email alerts sent to potential candidates.

-Gain visibility across various social media platforms and communities.

Receive a personalized quote designed to match the specific requirements of your organization.

-Job listing active on the ENI jobsboard website for up to 30 days.

-Focused email alerts sent to potential candidates.

-Gain visibility across various social media platforms and communities.

-You have 5 job listings from your job postings to be Listed As Featured Jobs for a duration of 30 days.